NESSC-researcher Addison Rice (Utrecht University) set out on a week-long research cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. Not everything went right... Research vessel Dallaporta in the harbour.
/ read moreNESSC-researcher Addison Rice (Utrecht University) set out on a week-long research cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. Not everything went right... Research vessel Dallaporta in the harbour.
/ read moreNew NESSC-study underlines important role of surface region of ocean in dissolving calcium carbonates. A tiny, but important chemical compound is found everywhere in the ocean: calcium carbonate. It forms
/ read moreA new movie clip on the ocean drilling programme IODP has now been released! The short film, partly financed by NESSC, highlights the importance of the International Ocean Discovery Program
/ read moreNESSC-scientists in Wageningen start tropical plant nursery to continue research during the COVID-19 pandemic. With their research, education and fieldwork areas out of reach by the COVID-19 restrictions, NESSC-scientists
/ read moreNESSC-researcher Appy Sluijs has been appointed member of the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW, Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities). Sluijs, professor of Paleoceanography at Utrecht University,
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