Tobias Agterhuis MSc |
Website |
Constraining sea surface temperatures during past warm climates |
prof. dr. Luc Lourens / dr. Martin Ziegler |

dr. Michiel Baatsen |
+31 30 253 2978 |
Website |
Role of atmospheric dynamics in shaping past, present and future climate using Earth System Modelling |

Allix Baxter MSc |
Website |
Investigating late Pleistocene climate in equatorial Africa using organic geochemical proxy records |
prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté |

Amber Boot MSc |
Website |
Carbon Cycle Feedbacks and Climate Tipping Behaviour |
prof. dr. ir. Henk Dijkstra |

Max Brils MSc |
+31 30 253 3259 |
Website |
Firn saturation as a tipping point for ice sheet melt |
dr. Peter Kuipers Munneke / dr. Willem-Jan van de Berg / prof. dr. Michiel van den Broeke |

dr. Anna Cutmore |
Website |
The origin of unusual Pliocene sapropel and diatomite layers: A case study for future projections |

dr. Jeremy Emmett |
Website |
Microbial-Focused Modelling of Methane Emission in Siberian Permafrost |
Han Dolman |

dr. Roxanne Frappier |
Website |
Organic carbon stocks and fate across permafrost coastal landscapes |
dr. Jorien Vonk |

Louise Fuchs MSc |
+31 30 253 2635 |
Website |
Elucidating monsoon dynamics: deconvolving temperature and precipitation in East Asian climate reconstructions |
dr. ir. Francien Peterse |

Katrin Hättig MSc |
+31 222 369 408 |
Website |
Reconstructing ancient seawater isotopes using hydrogen isotopic composition of organic biomarker |
prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / dr. Marcel van der Meer |

Valentin Heinzelmann MSc |
Website |
Multiple extreme events in the sub-Arctic |
prof. dr. Rien Aerts / dr. Stef Bokhorst |

Thomas D. Hessilt MSc |
Website |
Fire in the land of ice: direct and longer-term implications on permafrost and carbon emissions |
prof. dr. Guido van der Werf |

Dominique Jenny MSc |
+31 30 253 3676 |
Website |
Oligocene Climate Sensitivity and Polar Amplification: a high-resolution multi-proxy approach |
prof. dr. Appy Sluijs / dr. Peter Bijl / Dr. Francien Peterse |

Inga Hölscher MSc |
Website |
Constraining past methanotrophic activity using lipid biomarkers |
prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / prof.dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté |

Yord IJedema Msc |
Website |
Fate of terrestrial organic carbon in the Gulf of Mexico |
dr. ir. Francien Peterse / dr. Francesca Sangiorgi / prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté / prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

Szabina Karancz MSc |
+31 222 369 466 |
Website |
Organic and inorganic proxies for past sea water carbonate chemistry |
prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart / prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / dr. Lennart de Nooijer |

Anne Kruijt MSc |
Website |
Quantifying carbon transfer in the coastal zone |
prof. dr. Jack Middelburg / prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

dr. Ingrid van de Leemput |
+31 317 481 795 |
Website |
Identifying tipping points and indicators of shifting resilience in past climate dynamics I |
prof. dr. Marten Scheffer |

dr. Pablo Martinez Sosa |
+31 30 253 5168 |
Website |
Organic matter composition and distribution across the salinity gradient of estuaries |
dr. ir. Francien Peterse |

Melanie Martyn Rosco MSc |
+31 20 598 6983 |
Website |
Characterising the role of hydrological regimes in Siberian terrestrial carbon fluxes |
dr. Jorien Vonk / prof. dr. Han Dolman |

dr. Danica Mitrovic |
+31 222 369 584 |
Website |
Geolipidome project |
prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / dr. Ellen Hopmans / dr. Nicole Bale |

Gerrit Müller MSc |
Website |
Elucidating the global Carbon Cycle over the Cenozoic |
prof. dr. Jack Middelburg / prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

Laura Pacho Sampedro MSc |
+31 222 369 395 |
Website |
Ocean carbonate system parameters from foraminiferal trace element incorporation |
dr. Lennart de Nooijer / prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart |

Arthur Oldeman MSc |
+31 30 253 7758 |
Website |
Role of atmospheric dynamics in shaping climate |
dr. Michiel Baatsen / dr. Anna von der Heydt |

Koen Pelsma MSc |
+31 24 365 2566 |
Website |
Methane cycling in urban waterways |
prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

Sara Pino Cobacho MSc |
+31 317 484 419 |
Website |
Tropical Blue Carbon Cascades |
prof. dr. ir. Marten Scheffer / dr. ir. Miquel Lurling |

Addison Rice MSc |
Website |
Probing paleoceanographic proxies in the Mediterranean Sea |
prof. dr. Appy Sluijs / dr. ir. Francien Peterse / dr. Martin Ziegler |

Jessica Riekenberg |
+31 222 369 583 |
Website |
High-resolution organic geochemical proxy records of critical time intervals I |

Ronny Rotbarth MSc |
+31 317 483 898 |
Website |
Adaptive Resilience of Boreal Forests and Impacts on Global Climate |
dr. Milena Holmgren, / prof. dr. Marten Scheffer / dr. ir. Egbert van Nes |

dr. Yanming Ruan |
+31 (0)222 369 408 |
Website |
Developing new methods for reconstructing ancient PCO2 |
dr. Marcel van der Meer / prof. dr. Stefan Schouten |

dr. Darci Rush |
Website |
Towards reconstructing past atmospheric methane concentrations using organic biomarker |
prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninge Damsté |

Meike Scherrenberg MSc |
+31 30 253 3259 |
Website |
Physics of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in a coupled climate, ice sheet carbon cycle model |
prof. dr. Roderik van de Wal |

Shruti Setty MSc |
0317 484 419 |
Website |
Detecting Tipping Points in the Earth System from Climate Reconstructions |
prof. dr. Marten Scheffer / prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

dr. Bryan Shirley |
+31 30 253 5173 |
Website |
Ultrastructural identification of diagenetic alteration and oxygen isotope composition in foraminifera |
prof. dr. Luc Lourens / dr. Emilia Jarochowska |

Malavika Sivan MSc |
+31 30 253 0000 |
Website |
Characterization Of Geological, Biological And Atmospheric Methane |
dr. Elena Popa / prof. dr. Thomas Roeckmann |

dr. Marisa Storm |
Website |
Constraining past atmospheric CO2 concentrations using biomarker lipids |

Devika Varma MSc |
+31 222 369 569 |
Website |
Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperature in Deep Time |
prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart |

Jessica Venetz MSc |
+31 24 3652704 |
Website |
Microbial methane and nitrogen cycle in the water column of coastal ecosystems |
prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

Anna Wallenius MSc |
+31 24 365 2566 |
Website |
Microbial methane and iron cycling in marine sediments |
prof. dr. ir. Caroline Slomp / prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

dr. Junjie Wang |
Website |
Land-to-sea transport and emissions of carbon and nitrogen from inland waters. |
prof. dr. Jack Middelburg |

dr. Shaun Akse |
Website |
Exploring the use of trace elements in diatom skeletons to reconstruct surface ocean pH |
prof. dr. Jack Middelburg |

dr. Sebastian Bathiany |
Website |
Indicators of critical slowing down and flickering in current climate variability I |

dr. Tijn Berends |
+31 30 253 3275 |
Website |
Climate sensitivity during warm episodes in the geological past II |
prof. dr. Roderik van de Wal |

Luke Blauw MSc |
Website |
Fast carbon losses through fires in tundra and boreal forests |
prof. dr. Rien Aerts |

dr. Bregje van der Bolt |
Website |
Identifying tipping points and indicators of shifting resilience in past climate dynamics II |
dr. ir. Egbert van Nes / prof. dr. Marten Scheffer |

dr. Loes van Bree |
Website |
East African climate changes encompassing late Pleistocene glacial cycles using organic geochemical proxy records |
prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté / dr. ir. Francien Peterse |

dr. Marlow Cramwinckel |
Website |
Global change during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum |
prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

dr. Linda Dämmer |
+31 222 369 396 |
Website |
A new generation of foraminifera-based proxies for dissolved inorganic carbon based on multi-trace element analysis |
prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart / dr. Lennart de Nooijer |

dr. Emily Dearing Crampton-Flood |
Website |
Quantification of continental climates during the Pliocene |
prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté / dr. Francien Peterse |

dr. Zeynep Erdem |
+31 222 369 421 |
Website |
Testing the applicability of long chain diols as SST and upwelling proxies |
prof. dr. ir. Jaap Sinninge Damsté |

dr. Esmee Geerken |
Website |
Development of a salinity proxy based on Na incorporation in foraminiferal test carbonate |
prof. dr. Gert-Jan Reichart / dr. Lennart de Nooijer |

dr. Heiko Goelzer |
+31 30 253 2984 |
Website |
Towards a fully coupled ice and climate model on geological time scales |
prof. dr. Roderik van de Wal |

dr. Anniek de Jong |
+31 24 365 2569 |
Website |
Role of anaerobic oxidation of methane II |
prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

dr. Thomas Janssen |
+31 20 598 7337 |
Website |
Variability in the coupled Amazon ocean-land hydrological and carbon cycle |
prof. dr. Han Dolman |

dr. André Jüling |
Website |
Nonlinear climate sensitivity due to the presence of tipping elements in the climate system |
prof. dr. Henk Dijkstra / dr. Anna von der Heydt |

dr. Leo van Kampenhout |
Website |
A 150-year reconstruction of Greenland and Antarctic mass balance |
prof. dr. Michiel van den Broeke |

dr. Matthias Kuderer |
+31 30 253 5188 |
Website |
Consequences of animal mixing and grazing on paleorecords |
prof. dr. Jack Middelburg |

dr. Julia Kurth |
Website |
Generation of lipid biomarkers for anaerobic methane oxidizers |
prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

dr. Hans de Leeuw |
Website |
Testing the robustness of the isotope thermometer in polar ice |
prof. dr. Michiel van den Broeke |

dr. Nina Papadomanolaki MSc |
Website |
Cooling the greenhouse through organic carbon burial |
prof. dr. ir. Caroline Slomp |

dr. Erik Mulder |
Website |
Effects of the background state dependency of fast feedbacks on climate sensitivity |
prof. dr. Henk Dijkstra |

dr. Dušan Materić |
+31 30 253 7758 |
Website |
Aerosol and cloud feedback in the Polar regions |
dr. Rupert Holzinger |

Anne van der Meer MSc |
+31 30 253 1179 |
Website |
Sea and land surface temperature constraints on climate extremes using clumped isotopes |
dr. Martin Ziegler / prof. dr. Luc Lourens |

Ove Meisel MSc |
+31 20 598 7391 |
Website |
Characterization of methane emissions form lakes |
prof. dr. Han Dolman |

dr. Brice Noël |
Website |
Testing the robustness of the isotope thermometer in polar ice |
prof. dr. Michiel van den Broeke |

dr. Robin van der Ploeg |
Website |
Reconstructing the effects of chemical weathering on atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the carbon cycle during the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) |
prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

dr. Lianna Poghosyan |
Website |
Response of methane production and oxidation to environmental factors II |
prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

dr. Olivia Rasigraf |
Website |
Role of anaerobic oxidation of methane I |
prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

dr. Anne Roepert |
+31 30 253 5037 |
Website |
Rare Earth Elements and oxyanions in foraminifera and coccolithophores to infer surface ocean carbonate ion concentrations |
prof. dr. Jack Middelburg |

dr. Itzel Ruvalcaba Baroni |
Website |
Ocean anoxia and consequences for the Earth System |
prof. dr. ir. Caroline Slomp |

Cindy Schrader MSc |
+31 30 253 5170 |
Website |
Marine-Continental interactions during the Paleocene greenhouse world |
prof. dr. Luc Lourens |

dr. Fee Smulders |
+31 317 483 898 |
Website |
Indicators of critical slowing down and flickering in current climate variability I |
prof. dr. Marten Scheffer |

dr. Nadine Smit |
+31 222 369 420 |
Website |
Developing biomarker proxies for tracing aerobic methane oxidizers in present and past environments |
prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / prof. dr. ir. Mike Jetten |

dr. Carolien van der Weijst |
+31 30 253 2765 |
Website |
Climate sensitivity during warm episodes in the geological past I |
dr. Francesca Sangiorgi / prof. dr. Appy Sluijs |

dr. Els Weinans |
Website |
Finding causal links and resilience indicators in climate time series |
prof. dr. Marten Scheffer |

dr. Gabriella Weiss |
+31 222 369 408 |
Website |
A salinity proxy based on specific algal biomarkers δD values |
prof. dr. Stefan Schouten / dr. Marcel van der Meer |