Esmee Geerken and Gabriella Weiss, two of our PhD-students, were interviewed by newspaper NRC to talk about their research at NIOZ, Texel. Geerken and Weiss both work on a
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PhD position: Amazon water and carbon cycle
The Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics group of the Department of Earth Sciences and Ecology at VU University Amsterdam (department chair: prof. dr. Han Dolman) has a PhD position available in understanding
/ read moreClimate may reach regional tipping points before 2 degrees warming
Climate may reach regional tipping points before 2 degrees warming Most climate models found to predict abrupt climate shifts even at moderate warming The Earth is suspected to have ‘tipping elements’
/ read moreR-workshop November 30th – December 2nd
NESSCwork, the NESSC PhD and Postdoc network, are organizing a 3-day workshop about R from November 30th to December 2nd. There are still a few spots available! Register to participate in
/ read moreJaap Sinninghe Damsté interviewed by C2W magazine
NESSC-director Jaap Sinninghe Damsté was interviewed by science magazine C2W (Chemisch Weekblad). In the interview, published on September 11th 2015, Damsté talks about lipids he discovered and multiple measuring
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