Blog: NESSC at home

Labwork, fieldwork, or just grabbing a coffee with your fellow scientists – all the usual, scientific activities have come to a halt at NESSC due to the current corona-measures.

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Blog: Gulf of Mexico Cruise, 2020

Every year, the mighty Mississippi river and its distributaries carry vast amounts of sediments and nutrients into the northern Gulf of Mexico, impacting the chemistry and biology in the

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Langs de Belaya Rivier

Afgelopen zomer vertrok NESSC-onderzoeker Margot Cramwinckel op veldwerk naar het zuiden van Rusland, boven Georgië, om vele kilo’s aan gesteentemonsters te verzamelen. “Samen met collega’s van het Paleomagnetisch laboratorium Fort

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Keeping a lookout at the edge of the world

Few places in the world conjure up images of remoteness and harshness like Far Eastern Siberia. Yet, it’s places like these where our science is needed most. Blog from, written

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