PhD: consequences of animal grazing on paleorecords

PhD position in paleoceanography / biogeochemical modeling The Department of Earth Sciences currently seeks a highly-motivated, high-potential applicant for a position as a PhD researcher in modeling of bioturbation. /

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New isotope device for NESSC research

Exciting times for some of our NESSC colleagues: a new isotope device has been installed at the IMAU (Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht). The instrument, a ThermoFisher MAT

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Keeping a lookout at the edge of the world

Few places in the world conjure up images of remoteness and harshness like Far Eastern Siberia. Yet, it’s places like these where our science is needed most. Blog from, written

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Will the sea level rise even more?

The Antarctic ice sheets are melting faster than previously thought, according to last week's news articles. This century the sea level will rise an extra meter. Reason to panic? NESSC colleague Michiel

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