NESSC in the media

NESSC researcher Margot Cramwinckel, one of our PhD students, was interviewed about her research for an article in NRC Handelsblad (May 2nd 2015). The article discusses the paradoxes in climate research: the

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PhD position in Marine Organic Biogeochemistry at NIOZ

PhD-student 'Towards reconstructing past atmospheric methane concentrations using organic biomarkers The department of Marine Organic Biogeochemistry (department chair: Prof. Dr. Jaap Sinninghe Damsté) is looking for a PhD-student with a

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Nationale wetenschapsagenda (dutch post)

Oproep aan de NESSC community: draag bij aan de Nationale wetenschapsagenda! Wetenschapsagenda: verbeelding, krachtenbundeling en kruisbestuiving In de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda komen de thema’s waar de wetenschap zich de komende jaren op

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